22 January 2025
Life satisfaction scored 7.3 points in the EU
In 2023, the average life satisfaction rating in the EU was 7.3 on a scale from 0 to 10. Life satisfaction may be influenced by many factors, such as age, level of education, family and financial situation.
Among the 27 EU countries, 15 had ratings at or above the EU average. Finland had the highest rating at 7.8, followed by Belgium, Austria, Romania, and Slovenia (each at 7.7). The lowest ratings were registered in Bulgaria (5.9), Latvia and Greece (both 6.9).
Overall, all countries except Bulgaria had an average life satisfaction rating above 6, meaning that respondents to the survey declared themselves to be satisfied rather than dissatisfied.
Methodological notes
- The ‘overall life satisfaction’ indicator (self-assessed on a 0-10 scale) is collected yearly as part of the statistics on income and living conditions (EU-SILC).
- EU: estimated data
- Germany, France, Hungary, Poland and Portugal: low-reliability data